Sean Mayhew CV

Infrastructure as Code and Automation Developer for large enterprise. Primary focus consists of automating application deployment and monitoring.

Happily employed - not seeking new opportunities.


Enterprise, Remote Worker

  1. Principal IT Developer - Infrastructure 2019-Present
  2. Principal IT Developer - Analytics and Application Development 2017-2019
  3. Sr. IT Developer 2014-2017
  4. Self Employed/Contractor - Analytics UI/UX Development 2011-2014

Principal IT Developer - Infrastructure

Primary responsiblities consist in the management and monitoring of Elasticsearch clusters.

Elasticsearch alone is a large topic with a lot of components and API. Below I am focusing on primary responsiblities though I have chosen to leave some things out.

This consists of:

  • Authoring and Manging Infrastructure as Code utilizing Ansible Playbooks
  • Ansible Tower integration for automated deployments
  • Establishing and ensuring best practices for keeping clusters and their related applications updated backed up and monitored.
  • Alignment with Change Management
  • Configuration management and cluster structure and sizing
  • MultiTenant team collaboration to enable a platform that supports multiple areas of the organization.
  • Cluster Architectures Include:
    • Various Cluster Configuration Types:
      • All Master/Data/Ingest
      • Dedicated Master/Client Kibana
      • Basic and Platinum Licenses
    • Logstash Pipelines with ingestion via Kafka for back-pressure
    • Beats:
      • Filebeat for log ingestion to Monitoring Cluster
      • Metricbeat for system and Elasticsearch Monitoring
      • Heartbeat for monitoring numerous applications and endpoints
    • Kibana moniotoring for Rules, Alerts and Watcher

Principal IT Developer - Analytics and Application Development

Application developer with UI/UX Focus supporting legacy .NET Monolith and lead effort to transition to microservice based architecture.


I did not finish college. I barely started. I am proud of this.

I have little formal education outside of your standard American public school system. I spent roughly a year and a half in community college(s). Realizing I didn't really have the money to keep going and I was mostly teaching myself anyway - I decided to do just that. Got a low paying part-time paid internship doing 'graphic design' at a nonprofit called Central Florida Cultural Endeavors. I made something like $140/week and a side job working at Denny's to make ends meet. Saved the money. Served a lot of Grand Slam Breakfasts. Became self sufficient.

The internship offered such a broad range of materials, posters, shirts, brochures, billboards, website(s) it provided me a rather large portfolio of work primarily created with QuarkXPress and Macromedia tools. I was able to transition to working for the circulation department of a newspaper that gave me an actual yearly salary and a 401k - sweet! I was really blessed to have both of these opportunities as the volume and variety of work was interesting, challenging and the portfolio continued to grow. The rest is 20 years following the natural flow of work and interests.


I follow the Cal Newport - Deep Work model of productivity and do not use any social media (zip, zero, rien, nada, keine) but if you're dying to reach me you can use my first and last name at gmail no guarantees I will read it or respond.

Sean Mayhew with my Kids

Sean Mayhew

Code. Dirt. Renaissance.